Kristin in her kitchen.

After spending most of my life at The Kitchen Sink as the dishwasher (growing up, my parents and grandparents were all excellent cooks and I did more watching and washing than stirring and seasoning), I have evolved into a cook myself. I’m also a newly-married, third year law student recent law school graduate lawyer living in Chicago. While you’ll read a little about those things here, you’ll read mostly about my endeavors to cook everything but The Kitchen Sink.

The Kitchen Sink has been featured at Serious Eats, FP Daily, Food Gawker, FoodieView, Yum Sugar, Chicagoist, BlogHer and Tastespotting.

Email: thekitchensinkblog (at) gmail (dot) com.

24 Responses to “About”

  1. diane Says:

    I am so impressed and proud of your newest endeavor,it’s awesome…can’t wait to see more.Love you!MOM

  2. Gena Says:

    You are my personal hero. If you ever need somone to try out something new (in addition to Kevin that is), we are only two train stops away! And personally, i thought the mushroom caps were fabulous!

  3. Louie Says:

    1) This is great. I look forward to reading it.
    2) If you haven’t read the magazine (or it’s website), Cook’s Illustrated is fantastic. I actually don’t think the illustrated part is that fantastic, but they really explore cooking science as a means to fix your recipes. Great article last month in making flaky pie doughs everytime.
    3) This really makes me sound like a Los Angeles person, but…I haven’t read this book, but I read the script. It’s called Julie & Julia. It’s about a woman who decides she is going to cook every recipe in Julia Childs’ Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year ( Really interesting, and it’s a true story about a woman’s blog that eventually gets published.
    4) Hey Kevin and Kristin – saw some wedding footage. You guys looked amazing. I’m glad to hear that Chicago is treating you well.

  4. cuzoogle Says:

    nice site, I really like the pictures, they look professional

  5. Justin Says:

    I just wanted to let you know that I found your site very entertaining. It was your misadventure in pasta making post that finally got me moving in that culinary testing direction. Keep up the great work.

  6. Anna Says:

    I hope you don’t mind if I add the address to your blog into my blogroll πŸ™‚

  7. Amanda Says:

    Hey I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog and pictures. Thought maybe we could trade links πŸ™‚ My comments have been tossed around here so much, as if you couldn’t tell!!

  8. Amanda Says:

    fyi my food blog is http://slowlikehoney.wordpress, the one above is a personal one πŸ™‚

  9. Anh Says:

    I love your blog and the fact that you show pictures of your process and the final product. Keep up the good work!

  10. Mama Geri Says:

    This morning I was searching for a recipe for “Parker house rolls” and “Google” sent me here…lol. I scrolled and scrolled and when saw your site name it punched my button. I think I have a groove where I stand at the sink like indention. To make a long story short…I LOVE YOUR STYLE, YOUR PHOTOS, YOUR WAY OF TELLING A COOKING STORY…thanks for brightening a foggy, rainy morning in Florida. I needed to start out the day on a bright note.
    Best of luck to you in your law studies and all you are dreaming to do and to be.
    Mama Geri

  11. Sean Says:

    Love your site. Thanks for all the great dishes.

  12. Abbe Says:

    hi. I love your website because it’s gorgeous and creative. Do you take your own photographs? They’re lovely. I am interested in any tips and suggestions you might have for photographing food. Thanks.

  13. Johanna Says:

    I just recently discovered your blog and enjoy it very much! So far, I haven’t tried a recipe of yours yet, but the granola bars and anything with rhubarb are on my list …

    Greetings from Germany!

  14. Susannah Says:

    I just discovered your blog and love it. Like you, I went to NU. Perhaps like you, I graduated not that long ago (about 4 years ago). Like you, I love to cook, eat and write, and I also write a food blog:
    How coincidental. Maybe I know who you are and I don’t even know it. πŸ™‚

  15. Angela Says:

    I tried your Meyer lemon cheesecake. It was delicious. The pizza’s next! Thank you.

  16. LIz Says:

    I read your blog every morning and have made a ton of your recipes. Your steak sandwhich was my blog post yesterday! I hope the Minneapolis farmers market catches up to Chicago’s soon… I want some cute little carrots like those. Good luck with the bar exam! I hope that your posting keeps up even when you are a busy lawyer.

  17. Whitney Says:

    Pretty picture πŸ™‚ Good luck studying for the bar. I have the joy of doing that next summer. I go to Kent so at least I am used to the building.

    Thanks for such a great blog!

  18. Kate Says:

    I love your blog and your recipes look fantastic. I am going to try a couple out in my next free moment. Thanks!

    You might be interested in site. There are fantastic recipes from top LA chefs…straight from the chefs themselves.

    Thanks again!


  19. K8 Says:

    I just wanted to let you know that I have been oogling your blog for a while now and I really enjoy it and pretty much want to try and make EVERYTHING.

    I hope that it is ok if I add your link on my blog as well.

    Thank you and keep posting.

  20. CB Says:

    A truly great version of a popular recipe – yours is a clear improvement! thanks for sharing.

  21. Angela Says:

    Love your blog. I’ve been grilling pizza for weeks thanks to your inspiration. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Shannalee Says:

    And you’re from Chicago? So glad to have found you! Adding you to my reader NOW.

  23. mink Says:

    I LOVE YOUR GRANOLA! What a beautiful blog–thanks for being so generous with your talents!

  24. Linda Says:

    Kristin, thank you for such a great site! I’ve been online all night looking for recipes to try and spent most of the night on your site. I feel at home here, it’s all so well-done, and very comfortable. Your pictures are so clear and inviting, I feel like I could reach out and taste the batter with my finger! Thank you for all you do…

    Ok, now I’m going to try your granola recipe!

    Happy Holidays from New Jersey,

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