Adding My Voice to the Chorus

July 21, 2008

I’m fully aware that this post is not adding anything new to the food-blogosphere. Chances are pretty good that you have already tried this recipe. Chances are even better that you have at least clipped/printed/bookmarked the recipe. Heck, you might even have a bowl of the dough chilling in your fridge for the requisite 24-plus hours right this minute (and if so, I applaud you for reading this post instead of, say, sneaking under the plastic wrap for a quick bite; really: you are a god/dess of will power). Yes, I am talking about the already-famous chocolate chip cookie recipe that accompanied David Leite‘s New York Times article just a couple Dining sections ago.

I saw the article myself, during a study break the Wednesday it ran. I noted it and mentally added it to my post-bar-exam to do list (which is growing at an alarming rate). The article was then forwarded to me in emails from two friends. Next, it began cropping up in blog posts. The recipe was practically whispering in my ear, pleading: I am worthy of your pre-bar exam time. In the end, the seduction was too great. I couldn’t resist.

(Click “more” for the rest of the story, more photos & the recipe.)

And, to be honest, even though I couldn’t hold off on baking the cookies, I had no intentions of posting on them. As I’ve said, there’s plenty out there already: Leite’s article itself and also this and this and this. But after one buttery, bendy, chocolate-studded bite, I knew I had to add my voice to the chorus. These cookies are worth the fawning, the superlatives and even the countless bites of dough I sampled (seriously: 24 hours in the fridge? Is that some kind of torture?). They checked all the important chocolate chip cookie boxes: texture (a crisp perimeter fading softly into the pliable center); cookie-to-chocolate ratio (generous); shape (homespun; never-too-perfect). But they also added something new: a briny pop of sea salt sprinkled, pre-baking, on top of the cookies, which added interest and cut the cookies’ richness. In short, bake them. Now. Or, 24 hours from now, I suppose.

Click here for the recipe. My only change was to use Ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips. I also tried making smaller (tablespoon-sized scoops) sized cookies, but the larger ones called for in the recipe were a clear winner in the texture department.

13 Responses to “Adding My Voice to the Chorus”

  1. eggsonsunday Says:

    Kristin – you and I think alike. πŸ™‚ I made a batch of these last week too; I couldn’t resist! I went with the monster sized cookies with dark chocolate chunks. I agree; the sea salt on top was an ingenious touch. Hope the studying is going well. –Amy

  2. Amanda Says:

    I was going to stay away from this recipe, or at least from posting it, since I already have a go-to cookie recipe but man, this recipe is getting tons of hype! I feel like it needs it’s own publicist or something πŸ™‚ The sea salt is one of the main reasons why I want to try this recipe out. But I don’t have bread flour. How does the bread flour change the texture of the cookie?

  3. grace Says:

    your voice stands out above the rest of the choruse, don’t you worry. πŸ™‚
    one tablespoon of dough per cookie? no, no. that just wouldn’t cut it in this household, ’cause if i want a cookie, i want a COOKIE. πŸ™‚

  4. brilynn Says:

    I’m in the process of making it right now… it’s an epidemic!

  5. Andrew Says:

    I just saw your photo on Tastespotting and had to click through. GORGEOUS. I can almost taste the chocolate chips melting in my mouth. Mmmm…

  6. Amy: Yes, monster sized will be my default sized from here on out. The little ones were cute, but just too crisp. Studying is … almost over.

    Amanda: You know, your super-secret Martha cookies were also on my post-bar-exam to do list. I guess I’ll have to do a comparative bake off come August. Poor me.

    grace: Teeny cookies don’t really cut it here either. What was I thinking?

    brilynn: Welcome to the club! Hope you love them.

    Andrew: Thanks for clicking through from Tastespotting! Come back soon.

  7. Jeanine Says:

    I have seen these cookies mentioned everywhere, but never took the time to read about them. I think they are calling my name…

  8. Shelby Says:

    I just stumbled upon this from Serious Eats. I am so impressed with your time management skills. I’m studying (um, I guess not right this very second) for the bar right now too, and I just could not bring myself to make those. I did blog about them, though. Aaaand now back to the wonderful world of domestic relations. Only one more week! Yay (I think…) Good luck!

  9. I’ve made them as well! Having the dough for 41 hours in my case, was a bit of a torture I agree!

  10. Kevin Says:

    Those cookies look really good!

  11. Jeanine: Don’t resist the power of the cookie. I sure couldn’t.

    Shelby: I enjoyed your post. I feel your pain but the Illinois Bar examiners weren’t kind enough to spare my thighs, sadly. Good luck with the studying!

    Clumbsy Cookie: 41 hours? Impressive!

    Kevin: Thank you!

  12. sharpie Says:

    Seriously? bread flour in cookies? hmm, ill have to see about this. i usually use cake flour and it makes them lighter and fluffier, i get the feeling you’ve got to do these just right or else they turn out tough and gluteny

  13. sharpie: Seriously. I didn’t tinker with the flours, so I can’t speak to how different flours would work. But I can tell you that the results of the recipe as written were absolutely delicious. In fact, I need to make these again soon …

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